Una joven de tan solo 20 años de edad, de nombre Trinity Wills, logró luego de pesar 109 kilos y su cambio físico está sorprendiendo a propios y extraños.

Ahora, Trinity Wills, quien es originaria de Inglaterra, luce completamente diferente y sus fotos se han viralizado ahora que pesa 65 .

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Dear future Trinity, no matter what size you wear or what number appears on the scale right now you are still you. Focus on what’s important; your values, your kindness, the way you treat other people. Don’t lose who you are and remember you are a damn fighter! You don’t just give up, you strive and keep working towards whatever it is you want to achieve. Also for goodness sake girl stop shutting everyone out! Yeah sure you was the chubby, quiet, shy girl who thought no one could possibly like her but perhaps you just wasn’t letting anyone in! You’ve missed and lost some great people already. Stop telling yourself all these negative things because although it’s hard to believe they are just not true. Stop being self destructive and isolating yourself from everyone because you are good enough for people and deserve to be happy too. I hope by the time you read this again you’ve already started opening up more and started living properly! You can do anything you want to do it’s all in your own head! Look where you’ve come from and what you have already achieved! 💕

Una publicación compartida de ⫷ Trinity Wills ⫸ (@trinitywills) el

Para el diario The Sun, la joven de 20 años contó cómo lo ha logrado. Reveló que desde pequeña era víctima de sus compañeros de clase que le decían “La Gorda”, pero con los años, eso pasó a segundo plano al empezar a sentir fuertes dolores en sus articulaciones.

“Comía un montón de chocolate, galletas y pasteles. Recuerdo que me despertaba antes que nadie y devoraba un chocolate para desayunar”, contó para The Sun.

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Obese-Bulimic-Healthy • • • So tomorrow I turn 20 (yes I know I only look 12 😂) but after two decades of existence I think I’m finally the best version of myself and I don’t mean physically but mentally and emotionally. I’ve kept it hidden from everyone but earlier this year I had got to a point where I was very unwell. It’s only on reflection that I see how much damage I was doing to myself. I hate to admit I was weak and vulnerable but I have to share that things are not always perfect but you can ALWAYS find a way to change and make things better even if at the time it seems impossible. #gymmotivation#eatingdisorderrecovery#weightlossjourney#weightloss

Una publicación compartida de ⫷ Trinity Wills ⫸ (@trinitywills) el

Sin embargo, su vida cambió al acudir a su baile de graduación. “Mi baile de graduación estaba destinado a ser un día especial y memorable, pero no podría haberme sentido peor. Todas las chicas quieren sentirse increíbles en su día de graduación, pero me sentí repugnante e incómoda”, contó

Después de eso, decidió comprar un DVD de fitness con música de hip-hop y poco a poco comenzó a esforzarse, logrando grandes resultados.


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