Remueven enorme cálculo renal a un hombre de 55 años
Remueven enorme cálculo renal a un hombre de 55 años

Un hombre de 55 años llamado Zhou tenía un cálculo renal que amenazaba provocar una insuficiencia renal por si no lo removían en .

El Dr, Wang Hui del hospital Wuhan Jingdu fue el encargado para sacar el cálculo renal que aquejaba a Zhou desde junio de este año.

(FOTO) De este tamaño es cálculo renal que padecía Zhou

Tras la operación pudieron remover una piedra de 13cm la cual la comparó con el tamaño de un huevo de avestruz y que incluso era más grande que el puño de una persona adulta.

Pic shows: The bladder stone removed in surgery Doctors in China have removed a bladder stone which they described as looking like an "ostrich egg" from a middle-aged patient???s body. The huge mass measuring 13 centimetres (5.12 inches) in diameter was found by medics in Wuhan, capital of Central China???s Hubei Province, after 55-year-old Zhou finally sought medical attention for the discomfort he had been feeling since June. Scans show the crystalline ball of minerals having occupied his entire bladder, causing pressure on his abdomen as well as forcing him to the bathroom more frequently than usual. Doctor Wang Hui and his team at the Wuhan Jingdu Hospital decided the patient needed surgery "immediately" to remove the bladder stone shaped "like an ostrich egg". It was also almost the same size as an ostrich egg, which is typically around 6 inches. The medic explained: "The bladder stone was larger than an adult human???s fist, taking up his entire bladder. If not quickly removed, it could lead to renal failure." Wang added: "A bladder stones this size decreases the capacity of the bladder, causing symptoms such as urinary frequency." Due to the patient also having heart problems, medics opted against general anaesthesia and instead anaesthetised his abdominal region for the operation. The fished the bladder stone out using their hands. "We removed it with our hands because we would???ve had a hard time reaching our tools inside," Wang noted. The bladder stone weighed 950 grammes and is the biggest the hospital has ever found. Doctor Wang said the mass was caused by some of the patient???s habits, which include not drinking enough water, sitting for extended periods of time and holding in his urine.

Zhou padeció de este mal ya por su estilo de vida que no tomaba suficiente agua, se sentaba por bastantes horas del día y retenía la orina.